Just had to come out of blogging hibernation to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! 

I know, I know.  It’s been so long…who even visits my blog anymore?  Quite honestly, it stunned me when I checked my Blog Stats and discovered I still have visitors!  

The break I’ve taken has been needed.   But maybe starting a New Year is the nudge I need to get back here again.   I sure think about you, and stuff I’d like to tell you, so, we’ll see…


New Years Prayers for Bloggers






These are my prayers for the 2009 blogging year.  If it feels like a good fit, I’d love for you to join me by leaving an Amen, or something, in the Comments.  Since the prayers are numbered, you can always list the ones from which you want to be excluded.  Ha-ha.  And…I would LOVE to hear prayers that you would add!


Heavenly Father,

          Through technology, you have given me an opportunity to be “heard” around the world.  This ability is staggering in scope, privilege, potential and responsibility.  Therefore, Lord, I earnestly make these requests:


1.) Help me remember that I am accountable to you for my words.  Father, this scares me.   Have mercy.


2.) In asking for mercy, may I be always willing to extend it to other bloggers.  May I not judge their writing, punctuation, site designs or topics, but instead be an encouraging voice and friend. 


3.) Guide my priorities, daily, Lord.  May blogging never replace you in my life.  Let me be ever mindful of my family.  When I’m at my computer, give me awareness to hear their voices, and grace to turn from the keyboard to focus on them. 


4.) Never let me believe that my value is decided by the number of comments I receive.  Or don’t receive.  For You, and You alone, set my worth before the foundation of the world, and sealed it on the cross. 


5.) In that vein, may I be as eager to leave comments as I am to receive them. 


6.) May my topics edify.  Forbid that I say anything which would hurt or discourage another blogger.  Let me remember that You give others different burdens, topics and approaches.  Give me ears to hear what others have to say, and the discernment…and humility…to realize when You are speaking to me through them


7.) May I never take myself too seriously.  Instead may I readily laugh with ease like those who are painfully aware of their shortcomings and love themselves anyway.  Forbid that I compare myself with other bloggers.  For you give gifts and talents according to Your good pleasure.   And to whom much is given, much is required.  (So, I guess that kind of lets me off the hook, huh, Lord?  🙂


8.) Expand my bloggy world.  I want to discover – and promote – others.   


9.) May the fruit of the Spirit always attend my blogging – in reading,  posting, and commenting.  Smack me if I sulk when I don’t win a bloggy giveaway. 


10.) And if blogging stops being a part of your purposes, plan and will for my life, give me grace to turn from it – eagerly – to embrace all that you have for me instead.  For it is only in the center of Your will that I find Life Abundant.


All this I ask in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Name above all Names.


Oh, and one more thing.  Help me to know when I’m droning on and need to end my post. 

